For most women, their breasts are never the same again after having children and breastfeeding. What were once full and perky breasts can look misshapen, saggy or deflated.
If you are bothered by the appearance of your post-pregnancy breasts, you might want to consider having plastic surgery to achieve a more pleasing breast contour.
Dr. Abhay Gupta, a board-certified plastic surgeon serving San Diego and beyond, will listen to your concerns and suggest a suitable solution for your needs.
Sagging breasts that point downward
The most common breast-related concern among women after pregnancy is sagging breasts that point downward. In these cases, breast lift is usually the most suitable solution. During breast lift, Dr. Gupta removes excess skin and reshapes the breast tissue higher on the chest wall. He can also relocate the nipple-areolar complex higher on the breast mound for a perkier contour.
Breasts that have lost volume and shape
If your breasts are flat and shapeless after pregnancy and nursing, placing saline or silicone breast implants helps restore volume and fullness. You may want to return to your pre-pregnancy breast size or even go a little bigger.
Sagging and volume loss
Concerned about both the shape and position of your post-pregnancy breasts? Dr. Gupta can perform a breast lift with the placement of implants to simultaneously fill out and lift your breasts.
Asymmetry between the breasts
Pregnancy and breastfeeding can affect the breasts differently, leaving one breast noticeably smaller or droopier than the other. In that scenario, there are several options to restore symmetrical and even-looking breasts. If you prefer the size of the larger breast, implants can be placed to even out the breasts; on the other hand, if you prefer the size of the smaller breast, breast reduction can be performed to reshape the larger breast. Breast lift can bring the saggier breast to the position of the perkier one.
To learn more about recapturing a youthful and perky breast contour after pregnancy and nursing, please schedule an informational consultation with Dr. Gupta. Call or email us today to make your appointment.
Fun Fact of the Month: The breasts and stomach aren’t the only body parts that can grow during pregnancy. An expecting mother’s feet can grow up to one full shoe size, due to water weight and other fluid!