Can I Trust a Plastic Surgeon’s Before-and-After Photo Gallery?

If you were to look at a plastic surgeon’s website analytics, you may be surprised to learn that the most popular area of their site is the before-and-after photo gallery. Nearly all candidates considering surgery look at before-and-after photos for an indication of the surgeon’s expertise and results.

But can you really trust the before-and-after photo gallery to give you a clear “picture” of how your surgery will turn out? Here, Dr. Abhay Gupta discusses how much stock you should put into a surgeon’s before-and-after photo gallery.

Photos Represent Typical Results

Before-and-after photos should be used to represent the typical results of your selected plastic surgeon. They are not necessarily 100 percent indicative of the results you will achieve with your surgery. Every patient has different dimensions and characteristics that make them unique.

If you are browsing a photo gallery — for example, a breast reduction photo gallery — it is most helpful to look for patients that have similar torso and breast size/shape as you in their “before” image. Looking at the transformation in the “after” image gives you a general idea (not a guarantee) of what your surgeon’s breast reduction work may look like on you.

RealSelf Survey: Most People Trust Photos

Last year, a leading web portal for plastic surgery candidates, surveyed 700 plastic surgery candidates about whether they trust a surgeon’s before-and-after photographs. An overwhelming majority (93 percent) of respondents said they believe the photos are “very” or “somewhat” trusted. The remaining 7 percent said they were wary of the photos’ validity because they could be Photoshopped or outdated.

Does the Data Support the Photographs?

Before-and-after photographs are only a piece of the puzzle. Think about the rest of the information you have collected about your plastic surgeon:

  • Does the surgeon have a good reputation in your community?
  • Does the surgeon have the right education, training and experience for your selected procedure?
  • What do the patient testimonials say?
  • What impression do you get during your consultation? Are the surgeon and staff attentive and professional? Do you feel comfortable discussing your treatment needs and goals?
  • Have you developed a rapport with the surgeon?
  • Does the surgeon have any disciplinary actions (search your state’s medical board website)? Are they board-certified and licensed to practice medicine in your state?

To learn more about a particular plastic surgery procedure, and get a clearer idea of the typical results Dr. Gupta can deliver, please schedule a consultation with the doctor. Call (858) 408-6100 today to make your appointment.

Fun Fact of the Month: Don’t forget to call your dad on June 19 — it’s Father’s Day! The fifth most popular card-sending holiday, Father’s Day generates an estimated $100 million in card sales.

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