Am I a Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is otherwise known as augmentation mammoplasty. It is a surgery that increases breast size. The surgeon places breast implants under the chest muscle or breast tissue. For some women, breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure. For others, it is reconstructive surgery to rebuild the breasts that are affected by medical conditions. Here are some insights to help you know if you’re a candidate for breast augmentation.

You Should Be in Good Health

Any cosmetic surgery requires you to be in good health. Chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders, and acute allergies can make you a bad candidate for breast augmentation. Consult with your primary physician before scheduling a breast augmentation procedure.

Do Not Have Excess Volume in Your Breasts

For breast augmentation to be successful, you should not have excess volume in your breasts. People with flat breasts from aging or breastfeeding are good candidates. If your breasts are asymmetrical, where one is smaller than the other, then you also qualify for the procedure. Mastectomy patients who have lost breast tissue benefit from this surgery.

You Should Be Sure of the Reasons for the Procedure

This procedure changes your physical appearance. Make sure that you have solid reasons for getting this procedure. You must convince your surgeon that you are not doing it out of social pressure. If your ultimate goal is questionable, this procedure might not give you the results that you seek.

You Should Be Free From Drugs and Substances Abuse

Consumption of drugs and other illegal substances is detrimental to your health. Smoking cigarettes and taking excess alcohol can compromise your health. Surgeons recommend that you also stop taking any medication and supplements prior to the surgery.

You Should Be Aware of the Risks Involved

You should be in the right frame of mind before getting this surgery. This includes understanding the procedure and all the risks involved. Breast augmentation is a safe surgery. But all surgeries carry a degree of risk.

You Should Be Ready for the Aftercare

A breast augmentation procedure requires care. Wound care for scars is important. You may need to wear compression garments to position the implants as you heal. You should also eat a balanced diet to help in healing. Consult with your surgeon on how much downtime is expected before you resume your regular activities.

Extra Points to Think About

Apart from the procedure, consider how your life might change post-procedure. Mammograms will require additional and specialized views. Breast implants do not last forever, hence you will have follow-up procedures. If you plan to breastfeed after the procedure, you should be prepared for possible challenges. Breast implants do not cure breast sagging. After the augmentation, you will still need a breast lift procedure.

Weight gain or weight loss post-procedure affects the outcome. You should also think about your budget. Some third-party insurance covers pay for breast augmentation procedures while others do not. The important thing is to understand all that entails the procedure before making the final decision.

To understand more about breast augmentation, visit Gupta Plastic Surgery at our offices in San Diego and Carlsbad, California. Call (858) 408-6100 to schedule an appointment today.

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